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Our Services

Private Inspections by Trained and Qualified Professionals

Our Services, Value, and Philosophy

We are comprised of seasoned hospitality professionals with deep knowledge and experience at every level of hospitality operations.


Because of our hands-on understanding of typical DOH inspection programs, we possess a natural sense of how you will fare during official real-life visits.


Once the official DOH inspection is complete, there is little you can do to control the potentially catastrophic outcomes that can easily follow a failure. Even passing-scores may leave you susceptible to the publication of detailed individual violations.


While nobody can completely eliminate those threats, HealthInspectorPro identifies precisely where action needs to be taken in advance. It's better to "Know Your Score Before" the unthinkable occurs.


We become partners with your team to encourage compliance. Reducing the number of basic violations, which can stack-up against you, helps you reach your goals and keep your operation in overall compliance.

Image by Dylan Gillis


We are committed to keeping our clients informed about their present operating conditions in conformance with applicable local Health Code Requirements. These results are privately shared with your team so that corrective actions can be taken in advance of an official regulatory visit. Through an ongoing program of unannounced site-visits, your team becomes accustomed to adherence to standard food safety practices.  Acing your next inspection and avoiding the potential economic and reputational harm of an unfavorable review is our ultimate goal. As staffing and training of critical front-line employees becomes more difficult, your obligation to 'trust but verify' is a core responsibility of management and ownership.


Our efforts aim to ensure that your food safety production practices, together with proper maintenance of your physical facilities, meet regulatory requirements. We observe your staff and evaluate all aspects of your services in real-time.  Our approach replicates the real-world conditions faced during an official government inspection. By utilizing the exact means and methods of a formal inspection visit, we can transfer our knowledge to your team without the risk of official action being taken in response to a potential violation.  Our team works with you to identify potential risks and develop strategies for mitigating them.  Optional services, such as real-time temperature monitoring systems, help you avoid one of the most cited violations while avoiding expensive product waste.


Our food safety consulting services are designed to help restaurants prevent foodborne illnesses and ensure compliance with health regulations.  Both objectives keep your operation insulated from economic loss and damage to your brand-value. Enforcement activities and public scrutiny of DOH violations are steadily increasing.  Our service mitigates this exposure and provides a valuable long-term solution to a potentially costly or catastrophic loss. Because we are a private service, we can openly share and discuss potential hazards with your team, but without the risk of exposure to regulatory actions, fines, or public scrutiny.  In essence, you "Know Your Score Before" and can act proactively. Many businesses face regulatory review and take steps to manage those risks internally.  Hospitality operations are no different, except the stakes are becoming higher and posing direct costs/losses to those who are unprepared. Our team works with you to identify potential risks and develop strategies for mitigating them.  Optional services, such as real-time temperature monitoring systems, help you avoid one of the most cited violations while avoiding expensive product waste.

Modern Restaurant Kitchen

Why We Do It

  • Once an official inspection is complete, you have little control in how any violations or outcomes are managed -- including publication to the press.


  • Without managing the risk of a negative public report, you may have inadvertently placed the reputation of your entire organization in a part-time employee who interacted with an official.


  • Regardless of your past performance, our services add a formal operating practice to your organization which might be otherwise overlooked in your demanding business. 


  • The risk/reward of a failed inspection or actual food poisoning or outbreak are mitigated through independent and ongoing inspection services.

Image by Melanie Lim

What We Do

  • Research your DOH records to identify the greatest risk factors observed in your facility.


  • Upload your custom DOH inspection protocol into our electronic system and determine your report delivery.


  • Help you provide notice to your team about our engagement and program.


  • Counting two regular DOH visits plus four HealthInspectorPro visits (quarterly) your facility is undergoing an on-site inspection, on average, every other month with our Basic Package (expanded options available).​


  • Our comprehensive inspection report contains the details required for precise follow-up training and compliance. 

Restaurant Meal

Why You Need Us

  • You've invested in every aspect of your operation and built your brand.  All can be lost in a single DOH visit -- something once thought to be out of your control -- until now.


  • Our inspection follows the exact format of an official visit and includes all aspects of receiving, storage, handling, production, service, and much more. Nothing is lost in translation.


  • We clearly articulate your soft-points in advance of a potential loss, fine, administrative action, or even closure of your facility.  We give you the answers to the test, in advance.


  • There is no barrier to engaging our services and taking the practical steps necessary to preserve your good name and economic security. 


Once enrolled, we independently conduct a minimum of four unannounced site-visits to your facility (once per quarter) and provide you with an opinion regarding adherence to health inspection standards.  Our electronic report includes descriptions and images to allow your team to mitigate risks that might be encountered during an actual DOH inspection.   You can also specify if our visits are to be conducted "Formally" or in "Coaching-Mode".  In either case, the same standards of inspection are applied.

How It Works


We offer three levels of service beginning with a Basic (4 visit) plan up to a Premiere (8 visit) plan with options for "follow ups" when violations are observed. We confirm the size/scope of your operation and recommend the optimal service program to achieve your goals. We take into account facility size, menu complexity, production equipment, extent of storage, and more. Typical rates range from $1,500 to $3,500 semi-annually depending on desired service level. Plans can be adjusted semi-annually, allowing you to tailor the program to your exact needs.


Booking a no obligation site-visit is the first step to confirming a quotation. If you decide to move forward, enrollment begins with a one-time $250 registration fee. This fee includes preparation of site-details required for our Inspectors and capture of your inspection preferences.


Once your first periodic payment is received, Inspections commence and renew as subsequent payments are made. We are happy to customize a program just for you.  Our flexible and affordable plans range from $1,500 to $3,500 semi-annually.

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